Ottawa Has Been Shaped by Waves of Canadian Immigration


Waves of Canadian immigration began over a hundred years ago with about 40,000 Japanese and Chinese newcomers.  The Asian immigrants worked mostly on the railroad and literally reshaped the landscape of the country. Many of them originally settled in Ottawa but were forced to relocate to another location in Canada. The president of the Ottawa … Read more

How do Canadian Parents Combine Work and Parenting?

Canadian Online Immigration - Parents

According to Statistics Canada, between 2012 and 2017, 2.3 million Canadians (80% of parents) took leave from their job for the birth or adoption of a child. Do you want to live and work in Canada? We work with authorized Canadian immigration representatives who have the required education, certification and extensive experience necessary to effectively … Read more

What is the Download Speed in Canada?

Canadian Online Immigration - Internet

Most Canadians (94%) had household Internet access through a fixed broadband connection in 2020, according to Statistics Canada. Furthermore, of the 6% who don’t have Internet access, 63% reported no need or interest in a home Internet connection. For more details about living in Canada, Contact Canadian Online Immigration. Source: Statistics Canada

Foreign Students Can Get Canadian Job Experience

Job Experience

Several international students lost their jobs in Canada and the experience that goes along with it due to the global COVID-19 pandemic.  The 2020 cohort was faced with a challenging job market, and these graduates were let go from their place of employment. Consequently, they were unable to complete their Canadian work experience required to … Read more

Where Would You Like to Vacation in Canada?

Niagara Falls Canada

Trying to decide where to vacation or which sites to see in Canada can be challenging because of the many places worth visiting. The country is a diverse land with beautiful mountains, rivers, waterfalls, and parks. There are charming cities with heritage to explore and cities abounding with culture for those who enjoy city life. … Read more