Ottawa Has Been Shaped by Waves of Canadian Immigration

Waves of Canadian immigration began over a hundred years ago with about 40,000 Japanese and Chinese newcomers. 

The Asian immigrants worked mostly on the railroad and literally reshaped the landscape of the country. Many of them originally settled in Ottawa but were forced to relocate to another location in Canada. The president of the Ottawa Japanese Community Association, Melisa Kamibayashi, is deeply involved in cultural celebrations.

Ottawa | Canadian Online Immigration

Both sets of her grandparents came to the west coast from Japan in the early 1900s. They eventually settled in Ottawa. There are many opportunities for immigrants in Canada. Contact Canadian Online Immigration today and begin the application process.

Kamibayashi her father did what he could to keep their heritage and created a lot in the Japanese community. The Japanese population in Ottawa has grown from 1,045 in 1996 to over 3,105 today. Canadian Online Immigration works with a team of authorized immigration specialists ready to help you with the process. They can assess your eligibility and help you to complete all forms correctly.

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